A young mother called asking for help with rent. Nothing unusual there; it is a frequent request. Her story, however, still leaves us in awe. She is the oldest of five children, all of whom, including herself, were abused by their mother, a drug addict who was in and out of jail. She had her first child at a very young age, and two others soon after... [Click to read more]
In June, the Outreach Program provided $8,966.57 in assistance to 37 families or individuals for 40 accounts. We had the highest volume of calls ever, over 300. There's a reason. All government sponsored assistance programs have been terminated or suspended. [Click to read more]
In every report on Whatsoever You Do Outreach, we thank you for your generosity. But hearing today’s Gospel proclaimed and hearing the words – “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” – we are reminded to tell you that by your generosity you are doing just that, loving your neighbor as yourself...
In May, the Outreach Program provided $6,619.25 in assistance to 25 families or individuals for 28 accounts. This was a very slight increase from the previous month, but a higher amount per account. It was significantly less than the previous fifteen months for the same reasons the April output was less: stimulus payments, tax returns, and the Covid Emergency Assistance Program. But for those who needed help, the need was crucial...
The Whatsoever You Do (Matthew 25:31-46) Outreach Program has existed at Little Flower since the 1990s. The rationale for the program is best understood by the story of the tax collector Zacchaeus...
If you could listen in on the conversations with folks who call for assistance, you would be humbled, as indeed we are. The fear and growing panic in many of their voices has reached ever new levels during the pandemic. The biggest fear is that they’re alone, that nobody notices them or cares about them...