St. Thomas Aquinas is celebrated for his contributions to Catholic Theology. Prominent among them are his great works, Summa Theologiae (Summa Theologica) and Summa Contra Gentiles. These two theological classics are time-tested and praised by many Popes and scholars. Thomas Aquinas is also credited for his great Eucharistic devotion as seen in the hymns he composed in praise of the Most Holy Eucharist. Commissioned by Pope Urban IV in 1264, Thomas Aquinas wrote the liturgy for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ), which we celebrate this weekend.
Last weekend we celebrated Pentecost, when we commemorated the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples with the Blessed mother. It was the birth and manifestation of the Church, which until then had been in hiding for fear of the Jews. Jesus sent the promised gift of the Spirit from the Father to console, confirm and strengthen the disciples so they can be his witnesses to all of Judea and the entire world.
This weekend 12 of our children made their First Holy Communion to our children. We congratulate them as they have taken a major step in their journey of Christian initiation. They now partake with us at the table of the Lord's Body and Blood. Through this participation in the Eucharist their relationship with Jesus will be nourished and strengthened. I want to thank their families for walking with them on this journey, supporting them by word and example. I thank our catechists also who helped them prepare for this great sacrament.