“The Good Shepherd takes care of the sheeps.” - A child of the Atrium, age 3. Our littlest parishioners have such a beautiful capacity for understanding on a deep level the goodness and care of God, The Good Shepherd, for each of them. They contain within them a natural capacity and desire for relationship with God.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for responding to my call to participate in the just concluded parish survey (Disciple Maker Index or DMI) which was open from February 22nd (Ash Wednesday) until March 31st. We received a total of 235 online responses (36% of our average Sunday Mass going parishioners) plus about 35 paper surveys completed. This is a huge progress compared to the outcome of the 2019 survey (total of 111 of both online and paper responses). [Click to read more]
The Lord is risen, Alleluia! This is the invitatory antiphon we pray daily in the Liturgy of the Hours during the Easter season. But what does the resurrection of the Lord mean for me as an individual or for us as parishioners of St. Thérèse, Little Flower parish? What does it mean for us as Christians today? At Mass during the Easter season, we read from the Acts of the Apostles... [Click to read more]
This Sunday the Church marks the beginning of the holiest of weeks, the week we call Holy. It is the week when we commemorate those events in the life of Our Lord that culminated in his death and resurrection for the salvation of the world. Jesus goes into Jerusalem, aware of the fate that awaits him. He does so in obedience to the will of the Father and for love of humanity. He goes to be handed over to the creatures of his own hands. He could have chosen a different way to save the world. But because he is God, and his choice is perfect, there is no better way than to lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13)... [Click to read more]