The greatest gift our Lord Jesus Christ left us is the gift of himself in the Holy Eucharist. This gift is unlike any other, and cannot be compared to anything we know or imagine. It is evidence of the depth of his love for humanity... [Click here to read more]
This week at our staff meeting we each had the opportunity to reflect and share what our highs and lows were for the year 2022. The prompt was to share how and when Jesus showed up in our year, whether we considered them high or low. It was interesting and soul searching for me as I listened to each member of staff share how Jesus walked with them in moments that would have otherwise been considered as indicative of the absence of God. It seems easy to see Jesus in good times, when things go the way we want them and when life is easy and sweet. But when pain and moments of sadness come we quickly assume that God had abandoned us... [Click to read more]