Our Lord Jesus, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas, is accustomed to the various experiences common to human beings...This same Jesus says, Come! He can identify with our own experiences. Have you lost a loved one? He did too. Have you been betrayed by loved ones? He was too. Have you been humiliated and stripped of your dignity? He is familiar with that as well. He knows whatever we are going through. And he says, Come! [Click to read more]
We have such a compassionate God! It blows my mind every time I stop and really reflect on it! Who is this God who is so great and majestic and yet so full of mercy and concern for me?! He speaks tenderly to my heart as He spoke tenderly all those years ago to Jerusalem through His faithful prophets. And, like Jerusalem, I must hear His words of comfort and liberation, let them seep into my very being, and then go forth as a herald to share them with anyone who will listen! [Click here to read more]
The Third Sunday of Advent is Gaudete Sunday. The term Gaudete refers to the first word of the Entrance Antiphon, “Rejoice.” Our celebration today echoes those words, “Rejoice: the Lord is nigh.” This weekend, the celebrant at Mass has the option of wearing rose-colored vestments, and we light the rose-colored candle on our Advent wreath to emphasize our joy as Christmas draws near. The lighter colored candle also speaks of the coming of Jesus, who is the light of the world, and whose light dispels the darkness of night. The near arrival of our redemption should be a cause of great joy for us... [Click here to read more]
God has a passionate desire to bring all men to Him, renewing all things. The prophets often spoke in the midst of sorrow and confusion, the aftermath of destruction and displacement, and when God’s people had turned away. They relayed His call for repentance and reform, the hope of restoration, and the promise of all nations coming to know Him. [Click here to read more]
The season of advent speaks to me of the Love the Father has for all his creatures. Advent is the prelude to the great mystery of the Incarnation. In sending his Son Jesus Christ into the world, the Father made visible his eternal will to come to us, who are unable to ascend to him on our own. Advent helps us to prepare for the great exchange that took place once and for all, when the transcendent God took on human nature and became immanent so that we can be taken into the community of love that is the Blessed Trinity. God became man in order that man may become God... [Click to read more]