The month of May is traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you some resources that have helped me (especially as a convert to Catholicism) to come to know and love her better, in hopes that they might help you know and love her better, too. Of course, the goal of knowing and loving Mary is to be brought closer by her to her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. As St. Louis de Montfort says, “ Mary is the quickest, shortest, and easiest path to Jesus.”
Our parish’s RE program will soon celebrate First Holy Communion for those who have been preparing over the past couple years. I wish to thank Mrs. Duffy for her efforts, especially this past year, to help the families prepare well for this sacrament. A couple weeks ago we had their first Confession, and I also thank the parents who not only brought them here but themselves are also playing a huge role in their children’s preparation...
Easter, like Christmas, has a liturgical “octave” - that is, the celebration of Easter Sunday is of such magnitude that the Church celebrates the entire following week’s worth of Masses as though they, too, were Easter Sunday itself...
Easter weekend was a great success for our parish. We saw many people here to celebrate Our Lord’s Resurrection, and we will continue that joy for the next six weeks through Pentecost Sunday...
The Whatsoever You Do (Matthew 25:31-46) Outreach Program has existed at Little Flower since the 1990s. The rationale for the program is best understood by the story of the tax collector Zacchaeus...
It is a joy to be able to celebrate Easter with a congregation! We must thank God for the little things, because the everyday things are really the joys of this life. We must embrace the beautiful goodness of our world with the eyes of a child, wondering at what God gives us. And this above all on this day of victory for all who are in Christ Jesus! Sin and Death are vanquished by the Risen Lord! In Baptism, we conquer with Him! And we welcome new members to the parish family at the Easter Vigil - who either were themselves baptized or have now entered the Church and received the Lord in the Eucharist! God is so good!