So many emotions, the heights and the depths, are swirling in the hearts of the faithful nowadays throughout our country and our world. This great day of celebration of Christmas, in the midst of the most severe pandemic in living memory, offers us a unique perspective on what is important in life. While the secular view has its own perspective on what it deems “essential,” with the eyes of faith we are able to see the deeper meaning of life in the story that begins in a manger – with centuries of prelude through the patriarchs and prophets...
With Christmas in under a week and COVID spiking, we estimate larger crowds but manageable ones for the great solemnity. We do intend to use the overflow areas in the gymnasium and perhaps Payne Hall as needed. Pray that it all works well and please help things to be successful by extending patience and mercy.
Happy Gaudete Sunday! The Latin word for "rejoice!" is the first word of the entrance antiphon for Sunday's Mass. With this Christmas soon upon us, we will all rejoice at the near end of 2020, the year of the worst pandemic in living memory...
Please study this and pray with the parish plan to learn how God wants you to be a part of this important work for your own personal discipleship and for the benefit of your parish family and local community to whom we are called to serve and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the back of church you should find multiple display boards that give a visual update to our renovation plans for the church.
Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ! This month, I thought I’d share with you some Advent trivia that you can spring on your friends at all of your (virtual) Christmas (er, Advent) parties.