Happy feast of All Saints' Day! This Solemnity actually replaces the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time, which is an occurrence for Catholics that comes around every couple years or so with different solemnities and feasts. It is a joy to glance towards heaven and consider all the faces that are there which we do not know of here on earth. Not only will we meet the canonized saints, but so many others - a "great multitude," Revelation tells us!
Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ! The Church dedicates the month of November to remembering our beloved dead and commending them to God’s infinite mercy...
The challenges of living in the midst of a pandemic continue to manifest themselves for our parish and local community. With cases back to our highest level, it is imperative that we work as Christians for the weakest among us by mitigating spread, even while continuing in responsible ways to embrace the most important aspects of being human: faith, relationships with family and friends, and pursuit of the good (both personal and common)...
Daniel offers you a glimpse into the month ahead, pointing out any noteworthy feasts, devotions, or prayers that may help you and your family to enter more deeply into the seasons of the liturgical year and bring the prayer life of the Church more fully into your own ‘domestic churches.´