Our parish’s RE program will soon celebrate First Holy Communion for those who have been preparing over the past couple years. I wish to thank Mrs. Duffy for her efforts, especially this past year, to help the families prepare well for this sacrament. A couple weeks ago we had their first Confession, and I also thank the parents who not only brought them here but themselves are also playing a huge role in their children’s preparation. It is thus outlined in Canon Law in the section on catechesis (that is, religious instruction and formation):
“Under the direction of legitimate ecclesiastical authority, solicitude for catechesis belongs to all members of the Church according to each one’s role.
Parents above others are obliged to form their children by word and example in faith and in the practice of Christian life; sponsors and those who take the place of parents are bound by an equal obligation.” (774)
It is clear that the pastor and his team have to make sure that formation is happening for all in the parish, but we are meant to collaborate with parents, who must clearly concern themselves with this aspect of their children’s life. I am so grateful especially over this past year, to all the parents who gave themselves week after week to the work of religious formation, which is bigger than the text book but must encapsulate their entire life.
This is certainly not easy. We as a parish hope to support families more and more in their beautiful mission of being salt and light in our world that is often stale and dark. If you want to continue to grow into this work, a good place to start would be the three online conferences we had titled “3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family.” You can find these three meetings on our Youtube page under the playlist for The Year of the Family.
As we get closer to summer, we are looking at other possible events we can offer for families and for children. Please keep your eyes and ears open for things to come.
And continue to pray for the smooth progress of our parish renovations, and for the continued safety of our workers. The bell tower seems to be out of the most dangerous parts of the repairs. Soon the lights will begin to be installed, which means the tile and new carpet can be laid in the remainder of the church. Every weekend things will look quite different, hopefully. We are finally moving forward again!