If you could listen in on the conversations with folks who call for assistance, you would be humbled, as indeed we are. The fear and growing panic in many of their voices has reached ever new levels during the pandemic. The biggest fear is that they’re alone, that nobody notices them or cares about them. They can’t find jobs, even low-paying part-time jobs. They are sick, increasingly from Covid itself, and isolated. We help us much as we can, but the needs are so many and so daunting. They are always grateful for any assistance we give, and with very few exceptions, they’re even more grateful for the faith we share and the prayer we offer. As we’ve heard frequently said, “My faith is all I have."
We were particularly moved by the story of a woman whose world was full of heartbreak and darkness, especially after we prayed with her. With her broken voice, she sang a favorite gospel song of hers by Andrae Crouch. If heaven were never promised to me Neither to live throughout eternity, It’s been worth it just having the Lord in my life. Living in a world of darkness, He brought me the light.
The words were heartfelt. Sometimes we feel that what we receive from the people who come to us is much greater in value than what we’re able to give them.