by Knights of Columbus- St. Therese Martin Council 17043
July 27, 2020 St. Therese Martin Council 17043 will hold a food drive to re-stock the Little Flower Parish Food Pantry. Knights will be in the Payne Hall parking lot to receive your contributions from
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Items needed are: unexpired and unopened canned and dry goods. Most used items are: canned green beans, kidney beans, black beans, corn, carrots, peas, peanut butter, soup, Hamburger Helpers, and cereal. The contact for our council is Nevin Siqueira, [email protected]. Please help us help the Parish Food Pantry. Our drive on 5/18/2020 was very successful in that you contributed over 1200 lbs. of food to the pantry. The food drive could not have had this success without the support of the Little Flower parishioners.