“This time next year you will be fondling a baby son.” Those words from today’s First Reading were from the prophet Elisha to a woman who had no son and whose husband was “getting on in years.” In the terms of the natural, there was no expectation of things changing. But the prophet represented the supernatural, and in the supernatural realm, all things are possible.
That is the case with healing. The woman with a hemorrhage was not focusing on her condition but rather just touching the tassel of Jesus’ cloak. The centurion was focused not on his slave’s illness, but only with Jesus saying the word. In both cases, their faith opened the door for healing. The eyes of our head see the illness you’re dealing with; faith does not call you to deny that reality. Rather faith calls you to a different reality – to see with the eyes of your heart. The eyes of your heart see Jesus’ “incomparably great power,” and more. (see Ephesians 1:18-19.)
Acknowledge the natural; focus on the supernatural. That’s where the power is.