Wow, and thank you! Your generosity is at work to maintain God's house in a truly amazing way. We have already received over 160 families respond and have a total of $733,224 pledged - already passing the half-way mark. This might sound like a great start, and in many ways it is, but it has been through the generosity of many, and we need everyone's help to reach our goal. Many parishioners might have wished to wait a bit longer to consider their finances and the best way to give. Cards will be available in the back of church. All who have not turned a card in should receive a letter in the mail asking you to consider contributing and how generosity continues to bless our parish. Please mail your pledge card or drop it off at our parish office as soon as you can so we can include your participation in the fund drive. If that’s not possible, please indicate that on the card so we know your response (as well as any needs you may have).