I received a large “thank you” for the parish videos for the nine days of our novena which started Oct. 1. I want to be honest that I cannot take credit for this good work. The credit must go to our parish staff. Some of them came up with the idea and organized the speakers. Others gave talks. Others did video preparation for posting it online. And credit needs to go beyond the staff: St. Thérèse has also clearly interceded for this work of our hands to make it something simple and yet very beautiful. Thanks be to God almighty for the ways he has drawn us to Himself through our big sister, St. Thérèse.
What I have noticed is that we do not need to get supercomplicated to grow in our faith. Sharing our life with each other, from some small event or insight as of late, all the way to the most important moment in our lives - every one of these stories can be a gift not just for ourselves to treasure, but for the building up of others. This is what we learn from Thérèse: her autobiography was really just a bunch of things that she had carried in her heart. But when she was required to put ink to paper as her life was ending, these personal events, shared simply from the eyes of faith, became something that was a blessing to so many others.
123 years after Thérèse has passed away, this same sharing is what we are called to do as Christians today! Although this does not need to always mean huge events and life transformation, we should be able to find those big moments too. This is why our parish has been trying to emphasize testimonies on our Youtube and Facebook pages. I encourage to you watch these videos from parishioners learning to share how God has worked in their lives. If you really get quiet, slow down, and listen to their testimonies, I believe you will be deeply moved. May that encourage you to grow in your ability to share with others about your walk with the Lord!
Our parish website is in the process of a final modification based on our parish’s process of customization. I am excited for it to get started, even if we have a few wrinkles to iron out in the weeks ahead. Ultimately, we want this to be a beautiful and user-friendly place that unites all our parish’s efforts to evangelize and foster community. Please pray to the patrons of the internet St. Isidore of Seville, St. Catherine of Siena, and Blessed Carlo Acutis (beatified on Oct. 10th!) that it continue to bear fruit! St. Thérèse, pray for us!